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Sequência de Montagem / Weathering

Enviado: 14 Fev 2018, 00:43
por heronsilva
Ola amigos,

Perdoem caso ja tenha um tópico nesse sentido.

Gostaria de checar com os amigos experientes da "militaria" uma possível sequencia padrão para a montagem/weathering. Em recente pesquisa verifiquei que tal sequencia varia substancialmente de modelo para modelo, mas pensemos nos senguintes exemplos:

Tanque WWII, Com camoflagem:

Tanque WWII, Sem camoflagem:

Tanque no Deserto:

Em pesquisa encontrei essa sequencia em um site internacional:
1) Primer
2) Base coat (acrylic preferably), you can pre-shade prior to if you want
3) Camo (if applicable)
3a) Color modulation (if applicable)
4) For hair spray - seal, use hair spray and then top coat of white, etc.
4a) chip and scrub off hair spray (if applicable)
5) markings
6) seal decals if necessary (I use spray templates as masks as much as possible with armor)
7) detail painting such as tools, rubber tires, tracks, etc.
8) pin wash (w/enamels) around molded detail, color should be neutral brown/gray mix depending on color scheme
9) oil paint fading or airbrush post-shading, or a mix of the two (this step can be moved around a little)
10) chips and scratches with thinned acrylic vis small brush, or sponge
11) filter - overall to unify the scheme and basic effects
12) more oil paint fading if applicable for extreme examples, or rain streaks
13) any details that need fresher colors like exhaust and periscope glass can be hit again
14) pigments for chassis and tracks
15) pigments for hull areas and turret
16) detail washes, darker colors for hatches, etc.
17) redo any chips to be newer looking, (if applicable)
18) oil and fuel stains on wheels and engine, or service areas
19) graphite for edges, hatches, MG's, etc. (if applicable)
20) another layer of dark pin washes just for primary examples like engine hatch areas
21) re-layer chips, scratches, pigments, pin washes, oil paint staining, etc. for final look and effects

Agradeço qualquer comentário, valeu!

